
“What do you see in it?” #Rohrschacchino is a coffee up to interpretation.

  1. Stick Nutella against the inside of a glass using a small spoon.
  2. Put milk in glass, microwave.
  3. Pour coffee on top, over the spoon, held close to the milk surface to soften the inpour and keep milk and coffee separate.
  4. Make photo.
  5. Upload photo to social media, tag it #Rohrschacchino, add message “what do you see in it?” Your friends will all win this participatory Rohrschach test.

Whatever happened to the Semantic Web? What chance have I missed with the Semantic Desktop?

This article “Whatever happened to te Semantic Web?” about the failure of the Semantic Web is interesting. I may note that my personal failure to realize the semantic desktop – an end user application to use data from the semantic web for personal information management – contributed to the overall fail.

Continue reading “Whatever happened to the Semantic Web? What chance have I missed with the Semantic Desktop?”

Medizinische Software oder Hardware an ELGA anschließen? Informationen über den Corona-Virus einfach erklären? Technikum Wien fragen!

Entwickeln Sie gerade eine neue medizinische Software oder Hardware und Patienten würden davon profitieren, wenn die Daten mit der österreichischen elektronischen Gesundheitsakte (ELGA) verbunden wären? Sie suchen jemanden, der weiß, wie das geht? Sie wollen komplexe Themen zu Sars-cov-2/Covid-19 didaktisch aufbereiten für eine breitenwirksame Kommunikation? Reden Sie mit dem Technikum Wien, FH-Professor Stefan Sauermann.

Continue reading “Medizinische Software oder Hardware an ELGA anschließen? Informationen über den Corona-Virus einfach erklären? Technikum Wien fragen!”

Why I watch Sailing Channel Videos and not Netflix or TV anymore – because this is the future of media

It is noon on the 1st February 2020. I am honored to be the 500st person in the world to see the first private video about climate activist Greta Thunberg crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I am able to be in this position because since years, I believe that Sailing Channel Video makers do something right, that they are pioneering a model that will change the future of media creation, that other media like TV, Movies, or Netflix try hard to achieve and will never achieve. Do I like it? I like it a lot. 

Continue reading “Why I watch Sailing Channel Videos and not Netflix or TV anymore – because this is the future of media”

Greta Thunberg’s speech in Lisbon 3.12.2019

“I am not travelling like this because I want everyone to do so. I am doing this to send a message that it is impossible to live sustainable today, and that needs to change. It needs to become much easier. We can’t require from everyone to rely on people like [ Sailing La Vagabonde ] to sail you across an ocean. That is absurd. We need to see it from a holistic point of view. We need to work together. We need to secure future living conditions for humankind. We fight not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren and for every single living being on earth. Everyone has to do everything they can to make sure they are on the right side of history. What we are demanding is that especially the people in power should listen to the science.”

Greta Thunberg