I met Michael Holakovsky, one of the authors of the collaboratively edited “Enterprise 2 punkt 0 web log about Enterprise 2.0“. Its an well-informed circle of Enterprise computing practitioners with a touch for pragmatic solutions.
They use the blog to keep each other and us informed about Enterprise 2.0 events btw: Enterprise 2.0 is the software formerly known as “Knowledge Management”. Attention: German!
Its interesting: Michael and I talked about NEPOMUK during lunchbreak at the LIFT@Austria conference, and he surprised me by
- knowing about NEPOMUK, especially all the details what it means to store RDF in a central store and not as RDF embedded in files
- had the strong impression that the desktop is yesterday and it must move into the SaaS area, where strong players such as FAST or Autonomy are already lurking.
As one of the NEPOMUK initiators, I was happy to learn new aspects and views on the Semantic Web business which shine an interesting light on the community.
Der Blog ist deutschsprachig, entsprechend vor allem für meine deutschsprachigen Leser interessant. Die Autoren sind keine Journalisten, sondern selber alle knöcheltief im Enterprise Software Geschäft, der Ansatz gefällt mir.