HP Scanner Error when connecting

We just wanted to scan using our great HP C4700 Scanner/Printer at home via network. But the damn thing wouldn’t scan.

It gave an Error code of “8,[(1,0,-2147221502)]” and something like “das HP BildbearbeitungsgerÀt wurde nicht gefunden. “

The obvious solution recommended by the help and internet is

  • turn on/off
  • reinstall HP Solution Center
  • reinstall Printer Driver

As I am too lazy for that just now, I used the WEB INTERFACE to my scanner. Yep, behold. Your HP Network printer/Scanner has a web interface. Just find out the IP address (for example, by printing the network information, the printer has an option to do that) and enter the address in your browser. In my case, that would be :

This will let you scan via your browser, and you don’t have to install any drivers and such. You can only scan JPGs, but … better than nothing…

I only blog this here because poor souls facing “8,[(1,0,-2147221502)]” and too lazy to reinstall software may benefit from it.