my 27th birthday

hello world,

today is my 27th birthday. 30th of august.

I had to google some facts:

a conference

what you can do on “27th birthday
google answers:

Cameron Diaz has also birthday

so inferencing from these interesting facts, I would say that I should drink something and post some photos. As I am in Kaiserslautern and my Rat Pack is in Vienna, drinking will be non-excessive.

for all those who google

for a solution of Streaming imageIcons in Java. I had problems, the images where lost. google words: Java Serialization ImageIcon Bug Bugfix Problem

// serialization
private void writeObject( out) throws IOException {

private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
smallIcon = (ImageIcon)in.readObject();
if (smallIcon!= null)
smallIcon = new ImageIcon(smallIcon.getImage());

MozAmp released

MozAmp – a plugin for Mozilla so that you can control WinAmp as panel in Mozilla. Geeky!

It was written by a friend of us – Emmanuel Gasne – who did his “praktikum” at the
Emmanuel has also written the MozAdapt Mozilla Adapter for Gnowsis, he dug deep into the Lizard.

cheerio for MozAmp!

Erschwerte Arbeitsbedingungen

In einigen Büros bei uns wird renoviert, was ja an sich sehr gut ist. Nur müssen ein paar Leute jetzt unter erschwerten Arbeitsbedingungen arbeiten.

Ein Meeting

Willkommen bei Sven und Heiko

Freestyle Hacking

Ein grünes Händchen

Your Mission: Reach the Coffemachine and come back without hitting, dripping, and in minimal time

WLAN in Kaiserslautern

Since Ingrid and me moved to Kaiserslautern, we have problems getting online. Gladly, we found (by warwalking) some open WLAN nodes but that was awful. We felt like thieves (actually, we where) and my batteries where running out.

So we looked at the great url and found the lovely company Transkom that makes it possible: Internet at home by several WLAN antennas in town.

Sven Schwarz gave me the hint to look at to check out their stuff. GREAT, they also do it.

In germany – for all you internationals out there – is telecommunication in the hands of the megalonic monopolist. That means, that the last mile is in the guarded temple of high costs. Words like “flatrate” or “always on” are not known in the local language or long forgotten.

Example: I went to the local shop of T-COM (the telekom provider) and asked for a telephone. They have ISDN or Analogue phone lines. Ok, I wanted Internet on a ISDN flatrate. Or “Standleitung”. They said they don’t have a clue how to do it, I have to go to the business departement (in some other town not accessible to the carless).
Then, they sell ADSL there, which is a fast internet thing commonly used on analogue lines, with kinda flatrate fees. And I wanted a “fixed IP” – one guy searched 30 min in their internal knowledge system and didn’t find anything about this mysterious “fixed ip”.
BTW: why do I have the problem at all? Because they made all lines downtown of fiber glass – hurray – and are now to inflexible to get something fast into my flat. uhuh.

So much about telekom – in a country like this the rules of free market DRIVE us to buy these WLAN services.

I am curious what will happen next,
Will we make it and get Internet at home?
Will it be fixed ip?

we’ll see….

hello world

hallo liebe Welt, ich werd mal anfangen.

also, es ist so dass ich sehr gern den Cyberspace hätt, weil dann könnten wir alle so lustig dort zusammen spielen und informationen austauschen. Da von selbst nix passiert, werd ich mithelfen beim bauen. logisch, was.

der erste schritt zum cyberspace ist das semantic web. mal sehen wann wir das haben.

nebenbei werd ich noch ein bisserl über lustige Sachen schreiben und was mich sonst noch so interessiert.