The OrganiK project, where Gunnar Grimnes and I from DFKI are currently working on, is speeding up.
Last year we submitted a paper to the SCPE Journal of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience Scientific International Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing. They have a special issue on “The Web on the Move”. Our paper is called “A Sociotechnical Approach to Knowledge Management in the Era of Enterprise 2.0: the Case of OrganiK”, here is the abstract:
The increasing need of small knowledge-intensive companies for loosely-coupled collaboration and ad-hoc knowledge sharing has led to a strong requirement for an alternative approach to developing knowledge management systems. This paper proposes a framework for managing organisational knowledge that builds on a socio-technical perspective and considers people as well as technology as two highly interconnected components. We introduce a conceptualised system architecture that merges enterprise social software characteristics from the realm of Enterprise 2.0, and information processing techniques from the domain of Semantic Web technologies. In order to deliver a KM approach that could assist in reducing the socio-technical gap, we suggest deploying such a solution using an integrated sociotechnical implementation methodology.