Leo’s Fairphone4 Review

Beim Unboxing meines neuen Fairphone4 erwarte ich ein Smartphone, dass ich die nächsten 5 Jahre und mehr verwenden werde. Nach ein paar Tagen Nutzung und etwas Nachdenken beim Schreiben dieser Review kann ich sagen: voll zufrieden.

Ich beschreibe meine Eindrücke zu Hardware, Software, und Nachhaltigkeit. Mein Fairphone4 hab ich um 649,00 € im Fairphone Shop gekauft. Mit diesem Affiliate Link kannst du dein Fairphone4 um 25€ günstiger kaufen und ich bekomme einen 20€ Gutschein.

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CO2 neutral by 2028. Anything else is the end of civilization as we know it.

I want to live in a world with functioning economy and biosphere and peace, so I want to live in a world of reaching the 1.5 degree Paris agreement. We need to act now and set the target for net zero emissions to the year 2028 to reach that goal and still have a safety buffer. Anything else is the end of civilization as we know it. If we continue CO2 emissions from fossil fuels like today, in 2028 our emission budget is over and we have to immediately go to no emissions at all. Aiming for the 2.0 degree Paris agreement (25 years left) will mean vast destruction of agricultural land, 99% of corals (and fish) dying, death zones in the equator by 2030. Anything above 2.0 will mean uncontrollable chain reactions of destruction globally. The clock for the end of civilization and economic wealth is ticking and we need good project managers in key positions today on 2021-10-26. https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html

FridaysForFuture jeden Freitag eine One-Person-Instant-Demo

Seit etwa 6 Monaten habe ich jeden Freitag mein #FridaysForFuture Demo-Schild bei mir, wenn ich außer Haus bin. Als One-Person-Instant-Demo kommuniziere ich damit die Messages “System Change not Climate Change” und “Jetzt 180€ CO2 Emissions-Steuer”. Es sehen jedesmal 100-200 Personen, jede liest, ein bis zwei geben mir positives Feedback und alle paar Monate gibts auch negatives Feedback. Die Menschen sollten informiert werden, das wir eine #ClimateCrisis haben. Die Politik jedenfalls hört weder auf Wissenschaft noch auf Demonstranten und ändert die Gesetze nicht, wie es nötig wäre.

(Video von Magda von FridaysForFuture)

At todays 420 ppm CO2 level, the sea level is already set to rise by +10m or more, as it was 4 mio years ago

You wonder if we should regulate the burning of fossil fuels? The CO2 level of 420 ppm in the year 2021 is a problem – the last time it was that high was 4 million years ago. Geologic record shows the sea was 10 to 20 meters higher than today, in 2021. It just takes time for the ice to melt and the water to warm up and expand. All coastal towns and countries are already doomed.

Continue reading “At todays 420 ppm CO2 level, the sea level is already set to rise by +10m or more, as it was 4 mio years ago”

The black cat in the black room.

Inspired by the image below.

Theology is like being in a dark room searching for the warmth of a black cat that you sometimes feel and that makes you happy. Reading articles of witnesses who where in the room when it was light and described the cat as clearly visible and their experiments and results with the black cat. As the articles are 2000 years old, they are disputed. Replicating the experiments is disputed as the black cat is described as physically gone, but it’s warm pelt can still be felt after 2000 years. You like the warm sensation and based on the 2000 year old witness accounts, you try to get the warm feeling. Note that the black cat said that “people should care for each other”. The warmth you feel may come from other people you cuddle to, who also look for the black cat. Or from the ghost of the black cat. You turn on the light and cuddling and friendship remain.

That’s how I experienced it when I was looking for a warm feeling. I still feel it. I believe the teachings of the black cat, whom I refer to as Jesus, help me and others to stick together and feel it, too. So the warmth of the black cat can be replicated without the black cat being touchable.

Via Markus Mooslechner.

The black cat in the black room.

Inspired by a cartoon:

Theology is like being in a dark room searching for the warmth of a black cat that you sometimes feel and that makes you happy. Reading articles of witnesses who where in the room when it was light and described the cat as clearly visible and their experiments and results with the black cat. As the articles are 2000 years old, they are disputed. Replicating the experiments is disputed as the black cat is described as physically gone, but it’s warm pelt can still be felt after 2000 years. You like the warm sensation and based on the 2000 year old witness accounts, you try to get the warm feeling. Note that the black cat said that “people should care for each other”. The warmth you feel may come from other people you cuddle to, who also look for the black cat. Or from the ghost of the black cat. You turn on the light and cuddling and friendship remain.

Positive Happy News 2020: Elephants on the rise in Kenya

Newspapers tend to report on short, dramatic news items. Slow, positive, happy events seldomly make it. Here “Happy News” about Kenya’s elephant population.

Kenya’s elephant population has doubled in 20 years


The Happy Newspaper” is a medium dedicated to positive news created by Emily Coxhead. I am subscribed to the newsletter in the spirit of the teachings about news by late Hans Rosling, who educated me and many others about media bias.

Other news sources quote the elephant population in Kenya has doubled in the last 30 years (BBC, 2020-08-14).