Things happening to the world at large affect us all…. the domain registrar is having problems at the moment, including boulevardesque stories like two technicians locking themselves in the datacenter to bring up the site or locking out Kevin Medina who spent all the company money on personal entertainment. Movie material!
The story got Slashdotted and thankfully, Gunnar has pointed me to the post.
So, why am I concerned? Because, and are registered at … registerfly. I didn’t have many problems with them until now, but since the slashdotting and public outrage (mayhem, apocalyptic riders, Kevin Medina in a private orgy…) I am a bit nervous.
How I got out, at least I think so
The registrar eNom, a former partner of registerfly, sent out e-mails to all registerfly customers with a link you could click to automatigally move your domains to enom. At first, I tried this (for fun) with Today I did the same for the other domains. I hope that the DNS setup remains the same. If my domains go down in the next weeks, don’t worry, it will sort out for itself, I trust God helps me with this one (see below). ENom has written this e-mail after the transfer, which seems ok with me (some parts overwritten with ? by me):
Subject: Domain Push Summary Report
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 04:46:01 -0800
Dear Leopold Sauermann:
Below you will find a summary of results for domains you requested be pushed to alternate accounts
DomainName Destination Result
?????? ???????? Ok to push
?????? ???????? Ok to push
Thank you for selecting us as your registrar of choice
eNom, Inc.
On the eNom website, you can go to “Manage Domain”, then “General Settings”, there is a “Email Auth Code to Registrant” button. Press that, I instantly got my auth code, and I will use that now to move one of the domains, as a test if all is ok.
I don’t know if this means that my domains are in safe harbour, but at least I can go on with the rest of the work for today and stop worrying about …
Here a snip by gigne from slashdot about Kevin’s great actions for personal profit.
In case anyone has no idea what this is all about, I summarised the points:
* Joint Director Kevin Medina was removed from the company for embezzlement of funds due to Registerfly’s inability to pay it’s upsream registrars.
source []
complaints Filed in new Jersey:- Claims
1) Wiring 3x $9000 to personal accounts
2) $10000 to pay rent on apartment on a monthly basis
3) Paying large personal credit card bills
4) $6000 for liposuction
5) tens of thousands on “personal spending”
* they terminated Kevin Medina l []
* Kevin Medina caused other untold system problems *not verified from any source, just speculation on registerflies
* Registerfly seem to be concentrating on fixing this.
Pretty confusing though.
In the bible (Galatians 5, we read it yesterday in my bible group) this would be called “sinful nature”, read the great verses 16 to 21 yourself:
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. …..
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
I would conclude that I rather try to stay on the spirit side and not on the sinful nature, because that gives more joy (read verse 22-26).