broadcast your podcast – byp

Something we would have needed for the iTrip Disco!


BYP enables and encourages podcasters to break out of the net and into local radio space.

BYP offers podcasters the chance to transmit their podcasts on FM. BYP units are handmade FM transmitters made by BYP following the circuit design of micro radio pioneer Tetsuo Kogawa. By connecting a BYP unit to your computer or mp3 player podcasts can be transmitted on FM to your neighbourhood.

spam poetry – wife you say?

e-mail spam, who doesn’t know them.

while deleting the spam in my dfki-work inbox, this e-mail survived the 10milliseconds of fame and made it here:
subject: Re: jovedVzlAGRA
… [some viagra price list now] …
… [a web link i won’t place here and I would never click]….

and then a personal note from the spammer:
wife you say? Can anything be done about that? Let me think-yes-
something can be done. Out there, in those so-called civilized planets
nothing could be done. Here it can. For I am Svinjar – and Svinjar can

I can really learn from him.
Here it can!!!! For He is Svinjar, Svinjar the Spammer!!! He, not from the civilized planets, but from “there”, where HE can!

For I am Svinjar – and Svinjar can. Could say that forever.

Luckily I believe in Jesus, and not investing my illegally earned spamming revenue in hallucinogenic drugs to write weird messages in my spam. Hey, Viagra sellers – you hire morons to make your mass e-mails, ever thought about that your money invested in spam marketing is going to Svinjar?

clothes for burning man

Last weekend Ingrid and I have gone on a shopping tour to Strasbourg, getting some clothes for ourselves, and especially for Burningman.

The goal was a nice suite for mr Luther Blisset, chair of the INCONSISDENT 2006 conference, and a Bikini for the Lady, which will serve as a basis for flowers that will be sewed on there.

shopping loot from strasbourg

Clickr on the flickr picr and watch the notes there by pushing your mouse across the pic. We have to buy these clothes for Luther Blisset, who will chair the INCONSISDENT, hope this somehow works.

And yes, I wrote some more notes on the wikitravel page of Strasbourg, for the next shopper after us.

flashmob tanzen in Kaiserslautern

link to website

Kaiserslautern: Tanz in den Mai FlashMob in Kaiserslautern
Na, das könnte ein spannendes Experiment werden. Der FlashMob trifft sich Freitag, 28. April 2006 in der Innenstadt, Kreuzung der Fußgängerzonen Fackelstraße/Kerststraße (beim H&M / P&C).

Zeit: exakt 18.30 Uhr


– Es finden sich Paare, die auf dem Platz tanzen. (Ich kann auch nicht tanzen, also halb so wild.)
– Leute, die keinen Partner haben, können mit einer irgendwo gemoppsten Blume auf Damen, oder Herrenjagd gehen. (Blume = Erkennungszeichen)
– optional kann man statt tanzen auch sich umarmen oder küssen
– Der FlashMob endet genau um 18.35 Uhr

– Der FlashMob lößt sich nach der Aktion in alle Richtungen auf
– Weder vor oder nach der Aktion sind Grüppchenbildungen erlaubt (ausser den Paaren)
– Nur Mitmachen ist erlaubt. Erscheinen und zuguggen verboten.

the quake III strategy game

Quake 3, by ID software, a “first person shooter” game that became popular because of the Quake 3 Arena mode. The code of this software is open source now and there is a new version, quake 4 out. But still, a very popular game.

The problem with quake 3 is, that newbies are cannon fodder for the cracks. So, when Leobard joins a quake game he can look around a few seconds, enjoy finding a gun and is then immediatly shot. Not so with the alternative gameplay:

The Quake III strategy game.
Quake 3 strategy is a modification of the original, allowing you think about every move you make, aim when shooting, plan every move and really enjoy drinking coffee during the game. How to enjoy this? Set the server speed to 20% and the gravity to roughly 500, then you are in. No hasting for powerups anymore, no stress.

If you think that is stupid, check out the real Doom Roleplaying game:

Doom RPG
Doom RPG is a first-person turn-based role playing game set in the Doom universe. Developed specifically for your mobile device, you reprise the role of the Doom Marine made famous in the groundbreaking id Software titles Doom, Doom II, and Doom 3. Say goodbye to humdrum mobile gaming and prepare yourself for the return to Mars in a showdown with the legions of Hell!

kissenschlacht-flashmob 1.4.2006 13:30

* Termin: 01.04., Punkt 13:30 Uhr
* Ort: Kaiserslautern, Innenstadt, Kreuzung der Fußgängerzonen
Fackelstraße/Kerststraße (beim H&M)
* Mitbringen: Kissen
* Aktion: Kissenschlacht
* Soft pillows only!
* Swing lightly, many people will be swinging at once.
* Do not swing at people without pillows or with cameras.
* Remove glasses beforehand!
* The event is FREE and appropriate for ALL AGES.
* Nach 10 Minuten löst sich alles in verschiedene Richtungen auf!

Achtung: das kissen darf nicht platzen. wirklich.
