shortest spam ever

Here the whole spam
“Fire Jarhead Prime Harvest”

why the fuck do these idiots spam me anyway??? 1788!!

From – Mon Dec 04 23:31:06 2006
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Delivery-Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 23:05:30 +0100
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Message-ID: <000801c717f0$49a46950$c7e0d73c@userlcvbslsztw>
From: “WereRabbit In”
To: sauermann@(…)
Subject: Fire Jarhead Prime Harvest
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 06:05:19 +0800
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worlds biggest skateboard ramp, and its got a house in its backyard

a few days ago, I read this very well done article by New York Times on Bob Burnquist who build the worlds biggest skateboard ramp.

Basically, he build a 280.000$ ramp on his land in California. They say he build it in the backyard of his house, but given the dimension of the more-than-a-footballfield large construction, the house is rather in the backyard of the ramp.

If you don’t have a login for NYTimes, click dontbuggme or get an account, this article is worth looking at.

and you must watch the video.

iTunes gone wrong

I put a newly bought audio-cd “Dendemann-Die Pfütze des Eisbergs” into my iBook drive, to listen and rip it with iTunes. That is the main application of iTunes – right?

What happens:

  • iTunes blocks and then hangs and fucks up. Great!
  • ok, pressing F12 (the key to eject cd on iBooks) does nothing. So it fucked up the OS
  • closing iTunes via alt+apple-esc (=ctrlaltdelete). cd still eaten
  • ok, this machine is stuck, I’ll reboot and blog on then…
  • oh! rebooting doesn’t work because the f*** cd driver seems to be hacked directly to the kernel or however they did it, I had to hard-reset the machine (basically, pulling the power chord)

So, after rebooting I wisely

  • close iTunes
  • put in the CD
  • wait till this event of putting the CD in the slot starts iTunes, then
  • iTunes asks me if I want to rip this CD, which I want
  • and then it works

great! everythings so easy today.

R U serious I have to ask – or are you intentionally f***** it up so that I have to buy the music at the iTunes music store? (which is ok, but then I suddenly think about Audiograbber and Winamp…)

iconography gone astray

whats that icon about?

iconography gone wrong - wo bitte gehts zum rechteck mit kreisen....

The one to the right. You surely know, or have a great idea what courageous people will find at the end of this road…

click picture, comment there!

ms dewey

a usesless search engine that looks pretty.

then again, I could just go to search for “axe feather”…. and then three girls require my attention, Ms Dewey, the feather and the lady that beats me if I don’t close the laptop pretty soon.

man ray.

it has never been my object to record my dreams, just to realize them.

-man ray-

and thats why man ray is cool and I am not. I just dream all day long or read books.

found here:

while a longer travel through flickr after searching for photos needed to illustrate powerpoints for this talk I have to give… when you take your time, work can be relaxing.

also click this pic, I can’t embed it here due to restricted copyright.

bringing things together

A way of social metadata and data integration: tagging by humans.

If you have a photo of somebody holding a camera, that somebody may also have uploaded that photo, which can be tagged to your photo. Now If you again take a photo of someone else…

Here a nice example how a chain can be started. Note the great idea of tagging the related photos by notes on the camera:

(all rights reserved on that one, cannot blog it directly, click link)

about remembering


I can remeber these words, since roughly 12 years. What they are, find it out yourself. But I can’t remember Aspect oriented Programming or the names of my colleagues.

dammn it, we need a whole new way of e-learning.