I want to live in a world with functioning economy and biosphere and peace, so I want to live in a world of reaching the 1.5 degree Paris agreement. We need to act now and set the target for net zero emissions to the year 2028 to reach that goal and still have a safety buffer. Anything else is the end of civilization as we know it. If we continue CO2 emissions from fossil fuels like today, in 2028 our emission budget is over and we have to immediately go to no emissions at all. Aiming for the 2.0 degree Paris agreement (25 years left) will mean vast destruction of agricultural land, 99% of corals (and fish) dying, death zones in the equator by 2030. Anything above 2.0 will mean uncontrollable chain reactions of destruction globally. The clock for the end of civilization and economic wealth is ticking and we need good project managers in key positions today on 2021-10-26. https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html